Thursday, 18 June 2015

PNG Women's Chamber of Commerce and Industry's First Annual General Meeting

Finally,  after the establishment of PNG Women’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry in November 2013,  we have arrived at the end of a busy and very successful first 18th months!  Please come on Saturday 20th June 2015 for the Chamber's very first Annual General Meeting and catch-up with friends over a cup of tea.

Here’s a call out to the members….
It is very important for the members that you try to join us for the Annual General Meeting.  The meeting will be held at the St. Joseph’s Church Hall, Boroko, from 09:00 am to 12:00 pm.  The normal business will commence at 09:00 am, followed by election of the new executive.
Two Officer’s from the Electoral Commission Office and Mrs Susan May from the US Embassy will conduct the elections.  The new executive will be announced by 12:00 pm on day of election.
The rules require that 21 members or more must be present to form a quorum to hold the AGM.  

So ensure to keep this Saturday morning free to attend and cast your vote at the very first PNGWCC Annual General Meeting!